If you are currently experiencing difficulties or concerns with your mental health, talk to your GP or mental health professional in addition to considering accessing the support options below.
Open Arms
Provides counselling and support services for current and ex-serving ADF members and their families.
Ph. 1800 011 046
Lifeline Australia
Information on a range of problems you might be facing, such as financial problem, gambling, relationship problems or mental health problems
Ph. 13 11 14
Head to Health (Australian Department of Health)
Evidence-based apps and online programs, online
forums and peer support services, phone, chat and email services for
confidential support, and mental health websites and digital resources by
trusted organisations.
Ph. 1800 595 212
Beyond Blue
Provides extensive mental health resources and
Ph. 1300 22 4636
SANE Australia
A national mental health charity providing support, research and advocacy.
Ph. 1800 187 263
Mental Health Online
Provides comprehensive and effective online services and programs free of
charge. Services include self-assessment, self-help, and optional access to
online professional support for problems such as anxiety, depression and
post-traumatic stress.
A self-help interactive program with modules for depression, generalised anxiety and worry, social anxiety relationship breakdown, and loss and grief. It provides evidence-based information and teaches strategies drawn from cognitive, behavioural and interpersonal therapies as well as relaxation and physical activity.